Monday, September 10, 2007

Prophecy from Dave Devenish at Stoneleigh Bible Week 2000!!

"Oh God, our God come upon us that your wasy may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. God our God will bless us. God will bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear Him. "As you have been crying out to Me concerning the desire that is so much on My heart for the nations to come to My Son, I just want to reveal something to you of My heart and My strategy for accomplishing it. I want to reveal that to you because I was saying to My people that as My blessing came in power upon them, the ends of the earth would feel its impact.

I want to tell you about My strategy. I have spoken to you already about revealing My strategy to you this week and I want to say this to you, that this has always been My strategy. I blessed one man Abraham and I said, "Through your descendents all the nations of the earth will be blessed". I fell in power upon just 120 in an upper room and the whole of the Roman Empire felt the impact of My blessing. Through revivals in history, I came on a few in your own land, just in a small room in London and the whole nation and many other nations felt the impact of My blessing. I want to say this to you; this is why you are here. You are here for a blessing; you are here for a blessing! Aren't you being blessed? Aren't you receiving the blessing of My joy brought out into your hearts? Aren't you receiving the blessing of My Spirit working powerfully among you? Aren't you experiencing the blessing of My love and compassion poured out upon you? Aren't you receiving the blessing that all My grace has for you?

I say that this is My method. I bless you. Then as I bless you, all the ends of the earth receive the impact. So that is what I am doing. Although you think of yourself as a large number here, compared with the needs of the world you are just small but that is My method to bless a small number of people and then let the ends of the earth feel the impact of it. So here, receive all the blessing you can get. Receive and receive and receive, keep on receiving My blessings because My strategy is to bless you so that the ends of the earth feel it's impact.

I am promising you this, says the Lord, if you drink as much as you can of My power and love and Presence in this place, you will be My strategy for "unreached people groups", for closed lands, for many, many nations to receive the blessing of God.

God, our God blesses us and all the ends of the earth will fear Him.

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