Consider this quote. He said;
"The primary function of the prophetic ministry is two-fold. It is to remove all the obstacles to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And secondly it is to promote the conditions essential for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit".
In the sermon Greg goes on to show from Ezekiel 37 why this is so. I think that in the Charismatic Movement we haven't got (yet) to see that depth of prophecy. But I hope that we will. And I don't think the way forward is to back off by banning "mates, dates, correction, or direction". After all it says in 1 Corinthians 14 that unbelievers WILL hear the prophetic manifst, WILL have the secrets of their hearts revealed and WILL fall down and worship God. I think the way forward is to stay committed to exactly what the Word of God has to say about the prophetic - and pursue it.
That's what this website is about. Endlessly pursuing that goal.
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