Julian Adams brought this encouraging and stirring word to the new Newfrontiers church plant in Kings Lynn.
"In Jesus name, In Jesus name, Mmmm, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord.You know God really wants to, and has, and is releasing an apostolic edge on you. All right? And I feel like God saying to you it is going to be an apostolic edge with a difference. I see like an anointing, apostolic anointing of Peter on you. All right? And Peter was impulsive, Peter was all over the place. And Peter didn't fit moulds. Peter was kind of at times, really, all over the place. And I see you all over the place. It's like you run from meeting to meeting and place to place. And God saying I will give you encounters with me that will give you strategy of how to build wisely. I am going to give you times, when you will be found in my presence. Where you will be hungry for food, but you will be taken in a trance.
And God's going to give you There is something of an anointing to mix Gentile and Jew, something of an anointing to gather different nations and put them together even as Peter did and God is really going to release that on you as an apostolic gift. All right? It's going to be built into the foundations of your Church. All right?
And again, I am not quite sure if you are going to become an apostle, but what I see as an apostolic edginess and I see God releasing that into the foundations of your Church. I really feel God wants to encourage you. Son don't be hasty but be patient in this next season. All right? Don't be hasty to make things happen. Be patient. Because as you are patient, I am going to lay some very good foundations because I feel like God wants to give you an anointing for a big Church. All right. A Big Church. I feel like God wants to move past the 500 mark in this Church as you plant. I see God wanting to give you a sizeable percentage of the community as your inheritance. All right And God says to you, even as you plant this Church, you will be like Peter, able to connect different groups of people together, there's going to be a sense of the supernatural about it, there's going to be a sense of incredible anointing about it, okay, and I feel like part of the key that is really going to flow in your church is in the area of baptism in the Spirit. God is saying I want you to fight for that in incredible way. Get your people baptised in the Spirit, get the new converts encountering the Spirit. It should be as easy, you're saved, so let's pray for the baptism in the Spirit. There should be no separation and I see that whole area of the gifts of the Spirit.
I feel like there is another element to Peter's ministry and I feel like for you, and I am going to say this, but I want you to hear my heart, Peter went through an incredible season of testing. I feel like God has been speaking to you about that recently. And you've been saying, I don't know what shape or what's going to happen, but God is saying I want you to trust me and in the testing you will come out as pure gold. And I feel even in your relationship with your wife, this next season is where you are going to need to stick together. There is going to be a real synergy in it, God is going to draw you close together, because it is almost like there has been a season of go, go, go but I am going to bring a rest in the testing but you are going to know my blessing. And I really feel like you are not to fear it, I am not going to bring that into it, it's not like that. It is going to be a good season. Where God is going to bless you, but you are going to walk through some things, all right. It is going to be a milestone that will release you. Kind of like Jacob wrestling with the angel of the Lord. You will walk away limping, but you will walk away with great strength. And I feel like this Church plant, I feel like God is saying, I want you to build very slowly because it is going to be a big Church. Your time will be longer there than any other Church. As you build there, there is going to be incredible favour to begin to flow. I reminded of David. The Bible says that David's army that he had men, from the tribe of Benjamin incidentally, and the Bible talks about the tribe of Benjamin who could use both their right hand and their left hand. They were ambidextrous and they had incredible accuracy with the sling. In fact The Bible says they could split a hair they were so accurate. I feel like God is going to give multi gifted ministries to come alongside of you that will be able to use both their hands they were so accurate. And the Bible talks about famous men in David's army. And I feel like God is going to give you some key famous community members who are going to get saved and join your army and He's going to provide profile for your Church. Provide an incredible bringing out into the open of your Church. And God says I want you to go with it, because it will be an incredible blessing. I just feel like, specifically I feel like God wants to bless you in the area of your finances. All right. I see you worrying in that area and God says I am going to bless you financially. There is going to be favour and an incredible season of anointing and you are not to be fearful it is not going to work out. God says, I do the balancing, not the banks. All right. And there is going to be incredible blessing and favour financially.
God loves your heart, he loves the fact you are kind of all over the place. It's good, he loves the fact you are a bit like Peter, you know. He loves it.
You know the incredible thing about Peter, is that he was a herald of a new move of God. It's on you brother, the herald of a new move of God. Now release fire in his bones. Get him. Get him Lord. Oooo Hallelujah".
Monday, June 04, 2007
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