I was travelling with my family through the English countryside and we were heading somewhere (I can't quite remember where) but our route led us through the Stoneleigh campsite ground where the Bible Week was in full swing (incredible to think the last Stoneleigh Bible week was held 10 years ago this year).

I remember the beautiful campsite bathed in sunlight and the tents leading for miles. And I remember the sound of music drifting over the quiet campsite. And then as happens in dreams, I was transported to near the front of the main hall where the worship was in full swing. I think we were singing one of my favourite songs; "Great is He". The feeling of joy and wonder.
And then (again as happens in dreams) we were travelling away from Stoneleigh back towards our destination.
I remember waking up in the morning feeling destitute, lonely and depressed. This year will see the final "Together on a Mission" conference in Brighton. Another "final". For many - this isn't a particular problem. Their budgets can stretch to flights to Hong Kong or to the Middle East where the next great conference is being held. But at present for me and some of my friends that isn't an option. What's left in the United Kingdom?
This is where I'm so grateful for my dear friend Pete Day - I shared the dream with him as I do most of my dreams. And he agreed - he said; "I don't know. It seems we are robbed of the glory times. But we must press on!". This word of truth reminded me - maybe there was a reason why I was allowed to dream as I did. Maybe it is a heavenly reminder that these times of refreshing happened as a gift from a gracious God - and more are to come!
I hope so. I hope the UK hasn't been forgotten.